General Law

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This article is an introduction to Central Texas dockets and resets. If the police recently arrested you, you must appear in court. The court where you will appear will be where the State filed your case. You will likely appear in a county court-at-law if you are charged with a misdemeanor. If the State has charged you with a felony, you will appear in a district court.

For instance, Comal County has three county courts-at-law and five district courts.

Your defense lawyer will meet with the prosecutor at the first court setting to discuss your case. Soon after this hearing, your attorney will request the State’s evidence and file appropriate motions.

The State is required to turn over discovery to your attorney. The discovery will contain offense reports by police officers and other information related to the case. It may include laboratory test results or affidavits by witnesses to the crime.

The prosecutor will provide a “rec” or recommendation along with the discovery. In other words, the prosecutor will look at the offense report and your criminal history and propose a punishment. Your defense lawyer will communicate the offer to you.

Most likely, the judge will reset your case for another docket call. Courts will often reset cases several times as the prosecutor and defense lawyer argue and negotiate over the evidence.

Ultimately, either both sides will reach a plea agreement, or the judge will set the case for trial.

Contact me for a free case review if you are charged with a crime in Comal County or other Central Texas counties such as Hays County, Guadalupe County, Travis County, or Bexar County.